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1 December ’19

Adjusted handling information Cavex Set up waxes

For the production of Cavex Set Up Wax, a microcrystalline raw material is used. After a devastating fire in a Shell refinery, it was decided to permanently stop the production of this raw material. The raw material is therefore no longer available worldwide.

Cavex Set Up Wax

These paraffin extracts are so specific that the alternatives offered are comparable, but never completely identical. All manufacturers of dental modeling waxes that make use of this raw material are therefore forced to adjust the composition of their products. Cavex Holland included.

New and almost similar recipe
Cavex kept the original recipe for its Set Up Waxing until the end of the stock of microcrystalline raw material. In the meantime, a new recipe for our Set Up Waxes was developed in our laboratory. The aim was to approach the technical properties of the old waxes as closely as possible with the new recipe. In various laboratory tests, the properties of the new waxes were very similar to the original ones.

Difference in processing due to different heat transfer
We now notice that, despite the minimally changed technical properties, a number of users of the new waxes experience a difference in processing the material. The new Set Up Wax has a different heat transfer. This is especially noticeable when processing it in a flame. With the new recipe, less heat is required when processing the wax. A large and / or hot flame can decompose the wax and change its processing properties. If Cavex Set Up Wax is heated with a flame before processing, we recommend doing this for a short time and in a tempered flame.

Adjustment in handling
Not all users will experience problems. For users who do experience problems, we recommend adjusting the processing process and / or orienting whether another Cavex Set Up Wax (Soft, Regular, Hard or Extra Hard) sufficiently matches the desired processing characteristics. If the product still does not meet the wishes of the user, we recommend you to contact your direct representative.

More information on Cavex Set Up wax is available on the product page.